What’s New in Microsoft Teams Communication Tools?

The Need for Extreme Flexibility and a Seamless Remote Work Experience is Greater Than Ever.

To succeed, organizations need to focus on three things: putting the right policies in place, reconfiguring physical spaces, and using technology to put it all together.

Join Enabling Technologies’ (a division of eGroup) Adoption and Organizational Change Management Consultant- Hayley Meese-Cherry, and eGroup Account Executive- Chad Lanman to learn about the latest features and capabilities within Microsoft Teams that help bring your business ideas to life, and empower your team with the tools and integrations they need to create, connect, and get more done from anywhere.


In this session, we’ll be covering the latest in: 

-Teams Meetings
-Teams Meetings Rooms
-Teams Voice and Calling


Nov 30 2022


11:00 am - 11:45 am

More Info

Save Your Seat


Chad Lanman - Account Executive III, Data Center - Cloud - Managed Services
Chad Lanman - Account Executive III, Data Center - Cloud - Managed Services